User manual

To Dos Checklist

To do checklist
In order to make your setup easier and to make sure you have done all the necessary activities, yve has a checklist ready for you. It is sorted by the most important areas. In each area there is To Dos, which you should go through.

A To Do can have the following states:
  • Warning: this status is automatically assigned by yve as soon as something is clearly out of order. For Example, this is the case if the event website is still empty. Please be sure to edit these to dos.
  • Progress: since yve can not understand if your texts are correct, this status will be assigned automatically as soon as there is no warning. For Example, this is the case as soon as something is written in the text of the event website.
  • Approved: since only you know if a text or content is correct and final, this status is never assigned by yve, but you have to do it manually by checking it off. This will document that they have done this to do.
  • Inactive: You can turn off most of the elements in yve (for example, the 'Approved page'). That To Do will then be removed from the list and automatically become inactive
The following To Dos are included in the checklist:

Event Setup
These to dos are responsible for the basic settings of the event, the registration and the community.
  • Event Basic Data: Has all important event data been entered correctly (title, date, time, location, ...).
    This data can be entered under 'Event Dashboard -> Edit Event'.
  • Registration Basic Data: Is all registration management data correct (Max. number, companions, public, ...).
    This data can be entered under 'Event Dashboard -> Edit Registration'
  • Community Setup: Is the community set up correctly (title, members visible yes / no, ...) or switched off.
    This data can be entered under 'Event Dashboard -> Edit Community'.

Website Setup
These To Dos are about the contents of the various websites of the event. You can edit the content under 'Websites'.
  • Website Design: Have all website design settings been set correctly (colors, navigation, salutation, ...). These data can be entered under 'Websites -> Edit Design'.
  • Public registration: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Event Website: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Questionnaire: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Registration Thank you Page: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Closed page: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Approved page: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Canceled page: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Login page: Is the content correct in all necessary languages? The Login page is account wide and can only be changed by administrators under 'account->login text'.

E-mail setup
These To Dos are about the contents of the email templates. You can edit the content under 'Emails'.
  • E-mail sender: Is the e-mail sender correctly set (display name, sender, answers to, CC, BCC). You can change the data in 'Emails -> Email sender'.
  • Save the Date: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Invitation: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Reminder: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Final Details: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Thanks: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Confirmation: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Cancellation: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Confirmation Registration: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Confirmation Verification: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Confirmation Delegation: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • RSVP Attachment: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Ticket Attachment: Is the content correct in all necessary languages
  • Calendar Appendix: Is the content correct in all necessary languages?
  • Assign Participants: Are all participants assigned or has the public registration been activated. You can assign participants in 'Participants -> Assign participants'.

  • Test Registration: Was a test registration carried out (acceptance and cancellation, possibly public registration). You can get to the registration with 'Websites -> Preview'
  • Test E-Mail: Has a test e-mail been sent for all active e-mail templates. You can send emails with 'Emails -> Create email campaign'.

  •     Activate registration: Has the registration started (invitation sent, link to public registration active, ...)