User manual

Email log

Email and letter log
You can see all your emails and letters under 'Event Dashboard -> Emails'. Click on the number to see the list of participants. As long as they have not sent a shipment yet, they can edit it (click on name) or delete it.
The communication workflow
Once you have sent an email or letter to a participant, yve automatically changes the email or print status for him or her with the corresponding email or print type. You can see in the overview under 'Event Dashboard -> Emails', how many participants are in the respective status. Yve always only keeps track of the email or print type of the last shipment, where the participant was present.
You will have latecomers for your event. These can easily be selected via filters, since they still have the status 'No Email'. In this way, the participants are continuously integrated into the workflow from above and can be processed step by step.