User manual

Email tips

  • You can count on the fact that some email clients automatically block images and only download them when the participant clicks on a link. Avoid large images at the beginning of the email and make sure your email is understandable without pictures.
  • Some email clients to disable links for security reasons. If they write links in the plain text, the participant can still copy the link and open it in the browser.
  • Use tables to position texts and content
  • Avoid items that would occur the same way in spam messages
  • Send Reminder emails - this is not obtrusive, but polite and helpful.
  • Sent the invitation more than 2 weeks before, the save the date 3 months before
  • Remember that you enter your legal information. As an account holder, you are responsible for the content.
  • Send a save-the date 2-3 months before event
  • Send the invitation 2-4 weeks before the event
  • Send 1-2 reminders to open subscribers
  • Send the final details to all the attendees with the answers of the questionnaire one day before the event
  • A thank you email after the event helps for customer binding to the participants
  • You can also use your own email campaigning tool, the participant report contains all the necessary data.
  • If they have participants without email addresses, they can still send a letter if they have the postal address. An invitation by letter should have a QR code and / or the yve login (Merge tag 'yve login')
  • If you want to send a high-quality printed invitation, you can check with your printer whether or not they can print the individual QR codes and logins to the invitation. The printing company needs precisely the data that they receive from the participant report.
  • It is easier to produce a high-quality print without individual data and to simply attach the individual data to a cover letter from the series letter.