User manual

Youtube Videos and Google Maps

Youtube videos
In yve you can view up to 5 youtube videos on the event website.
To do this, place the Merge Tag 'Event Video 1' - 'Event Video 5' on the event website.
You can set the Youtube IDs of these videos under 'Event -> Websites -> Videos (Youtube).
Caution: Please do not copy the complete link of the video in the field, but only the video ID.
Yve then calls the Youtube ID on the api and shows the video in the location of the corresponding Merge tab. The videos are streamed by Google inc. . Caution: To do this, the user's IP address and other technical data, such as e.g. browser and operating system will be sent to Google. Please point this out in your privacy policy und get a consent from the user.
The first video has activated autoplay, i. the video will start as soon as the website loads. If you do not want autoplay, just leave the first video blank and use Video 2-5. All videos use the automatic loop.
Google Maps
You can display an interactive Google Maps with 5 pins (places) on the website. Only one map can be displayed.
To do this, place the merge tag 'Google maps' on the event website.

You can enter the locations for the map under 'Event -> Websites -> Google Maps'. The locations will be displayed as a pin with the label of the address.
The zoom level 0-20 determines what zoom is set on the map when it is shown. The smaller the value, the farther away is the view, 0 corresponds to the whole world.
Yve then calls the pins at the Google Maps API and shows the interactive map in the location of the merge tag. The map is generated by Google Inc. . Caution: To do this, the user's IP address and other technical data, such as e.g. browser will be sent to Google. Please point this out in your privacy policy and get a consent from the user.